2450 - Python Data Structures and Algorithms (Grade 6+)

  • Computer programming
Sep 18 2024
Dec 11 2024
2450 - Python Data Structures and Algorithms
  1. Sun 
  2. Mon 
  3. Tue 
  4. Wed6:00 - 8:00 pm
  5. Thu 
  6. Fri 
  7. Sat 


Note: This class will take place online via the video conference platform ZOOM - US Central Time (CST/CDT).


The course covers the design, analysis, and implementation of data structures and algorithms to solve problems using Python. Topics include elementary data structures (including arrays, stacks, queues, and lists), advanced data structures (including trees and graphs), the algorithms used to manipulate these structures, and their application to solving practical problems. The knowledge learned in this course will not only help you to prepare for USACO and International Olympiad in Informatics (IOI) programming contest, but also help you with the job interviews.

Lesson 1: Python Review and RecursionLesson 2: Introduction to Data Structures and Algorithms
Lesson 3: Stack and QueueLesson 4: Linked List
Lesson 5: Binary TreeLesson 6: Binary Search Tree
Lesson 7: Heap and HashLesson 8: Sorting Algorithms
Lesson 9: Searching AlgorithmsLesson 10: Graph and Final Exam


Prerequisites: Finish course 2400 - Python for Beginners or equivalent Python course.

Programming Language: Python

Software: Visual Studio Code




Class dates

09/18/2024, 09/25/2024, 10/02/2024, 10/09/2024, 10/16/2024, 10/23/2024, 10/30/2024, 11/06/2024, 11/13/2024, 11/20/2024, 11/27/2024, 12/04/2024, 12/11/2024


Participants must currently be in grades 6 to adult.

Program enrollment capacity

Minimum: 6

Maximum: 40

Registration period

Registration starts on 08/09/2024 and ends on 10/02/2024.

Online location


Link: 2450 - Python Data Structures and Algorithms

Meeting ID: 229-065-9573

Password: 1200